CDC Recommendations for Surface Cleaning


During these uncertain times Alkota is here to help all with all you cleaning needs. Currently we have some helpful insight from the CDC about the importance of protecting yourself and others from dirty virus infected surfaces, and why hot water pressure washers are a great tool.

CDC has provided definitions on the following: cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and sterilizing.

Cleaning– works best with soap (or detergent) with water to physically remove germs. This will help lower the number of germs and lessen the chance of spreading infection.  This is why doctors recommend washing your hands with warm water and soap.

Sanitizing– this process works by either cleaning or disinfecting surfaces, to lower risk of spreading. This process is a little more gentle than disinfecting.

Disinfecting– By killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection.

Sterilizing– Destroys or eliminates all forms of microbial life, by use of physical or chemical methods.

Surface Cleaning

Alkota feels the most important step is surface cleaning. For example, if the surface you Sanitize, Disinfect, or Sterilize still has dirt on it, would you feel like your process was effective?

The most important part is making sure the surface is clean. The best way to clean is using a hot water pressure washer and a detergent matched to your surface.

This is why the CDC guidelines have always asked everyone to wash your hands with warm soapy water to eliminate germs.

Alkota has machines and detergent in stock to help you with your specific applications, whether you are cleaning an outdoor cafe, or cleaning an entire food processing plant, we have the machines to get the job done right.


If you’re using chemicals in your pressure washer to clean, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse out your machine. Ignoring this step could result in premature wear and tear on your machine.

  • Rinse with cool water to remove any leftover detergent.
  • Additionally, any trailers, skids, trucks, used in the cleaning process should also be washed down with a neutralizing soap daily.

We hope these tips will help you in tackling your cleaning needs. Of course if you have questions, or need assistance in picking equipment or chemicals to help in your job, please reach out to an Alkota Distributor, we are here to help.

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